# Upgrade Guide

# v0.12.5

# Upgrading

Update the GetCandy API package.

composer update getcandy/candy-api

Run any migrations

php artisan migrate

# 🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused an un hydrated basket being returned when fetching shipping methods for an order.
  • Fixed an issue when publishing/drafting customer groups that was causing purchasable to not get populated correctly.
  • Fixed an issue on the indexer which caused disabled languages to be indexed and if they didn't have a value it would error.
  • Fixed an issue where order shipping or billing details were an empty array on create.

# ⭐ Improvements

  • Publishing variant tiers from a draft has been simplified.
  • In the recycle bin, entries are now ordered by the date they were added descending.
  • When uploading an asset via the simple upload endpoint, you can now specify the filesystem disk to use. e.g. disk=public
  • When uploading an asset via the simple upload endpoint, you can now specify a path, if blank uploads will be the default.
  • When fetching a product you can now specify an SKU in the action.
  • Improved the way product variant tiers were fetched, this now relys on the underlying scope rather than passing through customer group ids.

# 🏗️ Additions

  • Added manual flag to transactions
  • Added an GetCandy\Api\Core\Orders\Events\OrderStatusUpdatedEvent for when an order status is updated.
  • Added order_status key to the order response, this will return an array of details if the status has been matched from the getcandy.php config.

# v0.12


You can see a full list of changes on the release page

Update your @getcandy/candy-api dependency to ^0.12

$ composer update @getcandy/candy-api

Run Migrations

$ php artisan migrate

Reindex your categories and products

$ php artisan candy:categories:reindex
$ php artisan candy:products:reindex

# High Impact Changes

We have tried to document all high impact changes below. If you have doubts feel free to reach out on our Discord Server (opens new window) and we'll do our best to advise.

# Order Processing Changes

Some columns have been added/removed from the database. The tables/columns affected are:

  • orders
    • Removed company_name column as it wasn't being used and we have other columns for that now
    • Added billing_company_name and shipping_company_name columns.
  • countries
    • Remove country column in favour of a country_id relationship

# Current user endpoint changes

Previously when returning the current user via users/current there was some hard coded includes, this has been replaced to allow the include query parameter. You should update any calls to this endpoint if you rely on included resources. The previous default includes were:

['addresses.country', 'roles.permissions', 'customer', 'savedBaskets.basket.lines']

# Drafting changes

The way drafting previously worked has now been refactored to be less destructive. You should reindex your products before going back into the hub to get everything in sync.

# Route searching changes

The way you search for routes has changed on the API. We have removed the path column and also the locale column in favour of a language_id relation.

When you search for a route, previously you would do something like:

const { data } = await axios('routes/search', {
    params: {
        slug: 'slug-for-the-product',
        path: null,
        include: 'element'

This should now be changed to:

const { data } = await axios('routes/search', {
    params: {
        slug: 'slug-for-the-product',
        language_code: 'en',
        element_type: 'product',
        include: 'element'

# Language changes

The schema of languages has been changed and also the way that language is detected through our middleware.

  • The lang column has been replaced by code and the iso column has been removed.
  • When detecting the language to use for API responses, we now parse the accept-language header properly.

# v0.11.5

You must reindex your categories and products by running

$ php artisan candy:products:reindex
$ php artisan candy:categories:reindex

You should also run migrations

$ php artisan migrate